Manufacturing / Supply / Installations of all type Safety Sign Boards, Display Sign Boards and Fire Escape Layouts
Signage provide requisite information in industries and safety plans prepare for and guide in case of fire and other emergencies
- ICON provides Safety Signage for industries that include signs for warning, caution, machinery guidelines and other mandatory information
- Fire & Safety plans for Fire Evacuation, Emergency Campus and Fire Order Boards are also provided

Safety Signage & Display Signage Boards

ICON has expanded the scope of its activities to complex services like Safety Signs, Caution Signs, Warning Construction Signs & Danger Signs.
Fire Escape Layout Plans

We Provide Fire Safety & Evacuation Display Boards that acts as a complete guide of the Particular floor along with the emergency escape routes, it helps you guide smoother mass departure during the Emergency from the Premises. plans also shows the Nearest EXIT point available, Number of Fire safety equipment information Like. Fire Extinguisher, Hooter, CCTV, Manual Call Point, Fire Hydrant , First Aid & Stairways.